
State College Downtown Master Plan

State College, Pennsylvania

Working with a partnership of State College Borough, Penn State University, and Downtown State College, Inc., Mahan Rykiel led a planning and design team in preparation of a master plan for the community’s downtown. The plan focused on establishing and marketing a strong downtown identity; establishing a framework to create an attractive and vibrant public realm; and identifying public and private sector improvements to diversify downtown businesses, users and residents. The plan is grounded in market realities and broad stakeholder participation.

Specific recommendations of the plan include streetscape and open space enhancements to improve pedestrian safety and transportation options, improve the downtown image and enhance the Town-Gown relationship between the community and the University. Recommendations also incorporated a complete community branding program including logos, wayfinding signage and marketing collateral materials to better promote downtown to internal and external markets.

Lastly, the plan provided a framework for the community to guide additional development in a positive manner. The partners will use a detailed strategy board to guide short, mid and long-term implementation.



“Great Place in PA” Award, PA Chapter of the American
Planning Association