Mahan Rykiel Associates

Full Service Landscape Architecture

Our Services Sectors

Urban Design

Planning and Development

Public Parks and Civic Plazas

International Projects


Retail and Repositioning

Higher Education

Senior Living





Pedestrian Circulation

T. Rowe Price Corporate Campus Master Plan, Phase III

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Eckerd College is a small private college on a 188-acre campus located on the Gulf of Mexico, serving 1850 residential students. Mahan Rykiel was part of a design team commissioned to prepare a 10-year Master Plan.

State College Downtown Master Plan

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Working with a partnership of State College Borough, Penn State University, and Downtown State College, Inc., Mahan Rykiel led a planning and design team in preparation of a master plan for the community’s downtown. The plan focused on establishing and marketing a strong downtown identity; establishing a framework to create an attractive and vibrant public […]

Waverly Main Street Master Plan

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Mahan Rykiel led a master planning effort for Waverly, one of Baltimore’s “Main Street” communities. The process was anchored by an intensive three-day charrette with the purpose of developing a framework to guide continued revitalization of the Waverly commercial district.

Conway Riverfront and Downtown Masterplan

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In response to significant reinvestment and redevelopment initiatives underway within its downtown, the City of Greenville, South Carolina commissioned the development of master plans for three sectors of its downtown area. The purpose of the sector plans is to provide a framework for the City to guide new public and private development strategically, and enhance […]

Greenville SC Planning and Urban Design Studies

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In response to significant reinvestment and redevelopment initiatives underway within its downtown, the City of Greenville, South Carolina commissioned the development of master plans for three sectors of its downtown area. The purpose of the sector plans is to provide a framework for the City to guide new public and private development strategically, and enhance […]

City Center Master Plan Update

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In response to significant reinvestment and redevelopment initiatives underway within its downtown, the City of Greenville, South Carolina commissioned the development of master plans for three sectors of its downtown area. The purpose of the sector plans is to provide a framework for the City to guide new public and private development strategically, and enhance […]

Mississippi Gulf Coast Communities

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Mahan Rykiel was part of a resource team retained by the Mississippi Main Street Association to provide urban design services in a charrette format for nine communities along Mississippi’s Gulf Coast. The communities included Biloxi, Gulfport, Pascagoula, Picayune, Waveland, Moss Point, Pass Christian, Long Beach and Bay Saint Louis which were all impacted by Hurricane […]

Vermont Economic Recovery

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Mahan Rykiel is part of a Vermont Downtown Action Team (VDAT) retained by the Vermont Downtown Program to work with eight towns impacted by Tropical Storm Irene.

Baltimore Downtown Open Space Master Plan

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The Downtown Partnership of Baltimore (DPOB) and the City of Baltimore prepared a Downtown Strategic Plan to guide continued revitalization of Baltimore’s central business district. A critical focus of this plan was to identify a strategic approach to improving the public realm to help attract and retain employers, residents and visitors.

UMBC Event Center and Arena

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Consistent with UMBC’s Master Plan, this project expands the Athletic Precinct of the campus with the design of this 5,000-seat multipurpose facility. Designed to accommodate NCAA D1 athletics, the facility will specifically house the basketball and volleyball programs, but will also be an important new venue for commencements, concerts, and other community and campus events.
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