
Morgan State University Academic Quad

Baltimore, Maryland

Mahan Rykiel led the design team for the renovation of the Academic Quad, a significant landscape which includes the most historic and iconic buildings on campus, mature canopy trees and a broad sweeping lawn. A major infrastructure repair project provided the impetus for the renovation which displaced existing walkways and introduced temporary ones. The MRA plan establishes a new and accessible pedestrian circulation system, preserves existing trees, maintains the spacious expanse of lawn, creates small seating/gathering plazas, and strengthens the allee with new trees. Selected materials are consistent with the campus standards and reflect
both the historic and contemporary architectural character.

Located within 100’ of a protected waterway, the plan includes grass swales for on-site quality treatment of stormwater. This landscape renewal maintains the flexibility of this important landscape and reinforces its position as a vital component of the campus community.