Mahan Rykiel Associates

Full Service Landscape Architecture

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  • Welcoming the World to Ladew LADEW TOPIARY GARDENS ENTRANCE

    Ladew Topiary Gardens Entrance

    Monkton, Maryland

    Named one of “10 incredible topiary gardens around the world” by Architectural Digest and “the most outstanding topiary garden in America” by the Garden Club of America, Ladew Topiary Gardens is a 22- acre non-profit garden and manor house located in Baltimore County horse country. The elaborate gardens were designed by socialite and huntsman, Harvey Ladew, in the 1930’s. Today, both his home and gardens are a tourist destination, drawing visitors from around the world.

    Mahan Rykiel Associates was hired to create a more prominent, visually appealing entrance and arrival area for this rural attraction. To orient visitors to the site, MRA is designing an arrival court and preparing concept level plans to assist in fund-raising for the new visitor entry and arrival experience.

    MRA, with an environmental engineer, is also designing innovative stormwater solutions for the large parking area which is adjacent to a polo field. The team is working together to craft an aesthetically pleasing flow through micro bio-retention and porous pavement system to creatively satisfy Maryland’s stringent stormwater regulations in ways that complement the outstanding horticultural gardens.