Mahan Rykiel Associates

Full Service Landscape Architecture

Our Services Sectors

Urban Design

Planning and Development

Public Parks and Civic Plazas

International Projects


Retail and Repositioning

Higher Education

Senior Living





Cynthia Fraser

Cynthia Fraser

Marketing Director


Cynthia Fraser joined Mahan Rykiel Associates in 1998 and is the Marketing Director, handling all teaming requests, proposals, public relations and marketing efforts for the firm. Previously, she has worked in public relations and as a television producer. Prior to joining Mahan Rykiel, she was a Writer/Producer at ABC 2 News in Baltimore and the Producer of the environmental nature program, ”Outdoors Maryland” on MPT. During her 15 years as a television producer, Cynthia garnered more than 15 writing and producing awards, including two Capital Region Emmies and a CINE Golden Eagle, an international producing award. She has also worked on two Congressional campaigns, in 1994 as the Communications Director for Gerry Brewster, and right out of college, as the Campaign Manager of the Harford County Office for Kathleen Kennedy Townsend. She has written for various media types including print, radio, and television.

She holds a Master’s Degree in Liberal Arts from Johns Hopkins University and a B.A from Dickinson College, where she graduated cum laude and developed her own major in Communications, combining her interests in Television Production, English, French, Art, Writing and Photography, and was a Nisbet Scholar. While an undergraduate, she interned with BBC Radio Kent, where she produced segments for air and studied for a semester in London. She was also inducted into Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK), the National Leadership Honorary Society. She has served on the Vestry as Registrar for her church and currently volunteers for the Outreach Committee. She enjoys organic gardening and photography.

Peng Gu, Associate Principal
Vice President
Planning Director
Mark Pelusi
Operations Director
Matt Renauld
Design Director
Associate Principal
Travis Donofrio, Landscape Designer
Senior Associate
Anthony Dye
Landscape Designer
Michael Humes, PLA Associate Principal
Associate Principal
Rudraksha Jhaveri, Associate Principal
Associate Principal
Associate Principal
Steve Kelly, Principal
Associate Principal
Landscape Designer
John Merritt
Senior Associate
Landscape Designer
Scott C. Scarfone, PLA
Associate Principal
Landscape Designer
James Sink, Landscape Architect
Associate Principal
Mia Quinto, Intern
Shihua Wang, Associate
Mohan Wang
Landscape Designer
Senior Associate
Landscape Designer
Geruihan Xu
Landscape Designer
Bryan Dunn, Communications Director
Communications Director
Cynthia Fraser
Marketing Director
Lucy Hill, Contract Administrator
Contract Administrator