

Bryan Dunn, Communications Director

Bryan Dunn

Communications Director


Bryan Dunn joined Mahan Rykiel in 2017 and is the Director of Communications and Business Development. Bryan brings over a decade of experience working in communications, public relations, and running multimedia campaigns for both the public and private sector. Prior to working at Mahan Rykiel, he served as the Marketing Director for Baltimore County Department of Economic and Workforce Development, the Creative Director for Kearney O’Doherty Public Affairs (KOFA), and previously worked as the Creative Director for the Baltimore County Executive Office under two consecutive administrations.

Bryan earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Maryland Institute College of Art and Design in 2002. When not at work, Bryan enjoys photography, painting, backpacking, serving as a board member of the Seton Hill Neighborhood Association and living in Baltimore.

Peng Gu, Associate Principal
Vice President
Planning Director
Mark Pelusi
Operations Director
Matt Renauld
Design Director
Katherine Ackerman
Landscape Designer
Senior Associate
Travis Donofrio, Landscape Designer
Senior Associate
Anthony Dye, Intern
Landscape Designer
Landscape Designer
Michael Humes, PLA Associate Principal
Associate Principal
Rudraksha Jhaveri, Associate Principal
Associate Principal
Associate Principal
Steve Kelly, Principal
Elaine Ku, Senior Associate
Senior Associate
Aaron Lewis
Landscape Designer
Landscape Designer
John Merritt
Senior Associate
Landscape Designer
Megan Griffith, AICP Associate Urban Designer + Planner
Scott C. Scarfone, PLA
Associate Principal
Landscape Designer
James Sink, Landscape Architect
Senior Associate
Mia Quinto, Intern
Landscape Designer
Shihua Wang, Associate
Mohan Wang
Landscape Designer
Geruihan Xu
Landscape Designer
Bryan Dunn, Communications Director
Communications Director
Cynthia Fraser
Marketing Director
Lucy Hill, Contract Administrator
Contract Administrator