

Terry Burns, Senior Associate

Terry Burns, ISA Certified Arborist

Senior Associate


Terry Burns has over 20 years experience in landscape architectural design and project management. He has prepared site designs for projects ranging from private residences to multi-use developments and corporate campuses. Terry’s strengths in horticulture, garden design and environmentally sensitive projects have allowed him to work on such projects as arboretums, roof deck gardens, residential masterplans, downtown streetscapes, and restorative gardens.

Peng Gu, Associate Principal
Vice President
Planning Director
Mark Pelusi
Operations Director
Matt Renauld
Design Director
Katherine Ackerman
Landscape Designer
Senior Associate
Travis Donofrio, Landscape Designer
Senior Associate
Anthony Dye, Intern
Landscape Designer
Landscape Designer
Michael Humes, PLA Associate Principal
Associate Principal
Rudraksha Jhaveri, Associate Principal
Associate Principal
Associate Principal
Steve Kelly, Principal
Elaine Ku, Senior Associate
Senior Associate
Aaron Lewis
Landscape Designer
Landscape Designer
John Merritt
Senior Associate
Landscape Designer
Megan Griffith, AICP Associate Urban Designer + Planner
Scott C. Scarfone, PLA
Associate Principal
Landscape Designer
James Sink, Landscape Architect
Senior Associate
Mia Quinto, Intern
Landscape Designer
Shihua Wang, Associate
Mohan Wang
Landscape Designer
Geruihan Xu
Landscape Designer
Bryan Dunn, Communications Director
Communications Director
Cynthia Fraser
Marketing Director
Lucy Hill, Contract Administrator
Contract Administrator