Larry Bannerman

On Monday, Nov. 26, Chesapeake Bay Foundation presented $30,000 from an anonymous source to Turner Station Conservation Teams, alongside Baltimore County Executive Elect – Johnny Olszewski and Fleming Park anchor partners Mahan Rykiel Associates. The Fleming Park project aims to protect the Turner Station community from climate change, improve water quality and habitat in Bear Creek, increase waterfront recreational opportunities in Baltimore County, and pioneer strategies for the innovative reuse and beneficial use of dredged material in the Chesapeake Bay. The conceptual designs of Fleming Park were developed by Mahan Rykiel Associates through the collaborative Design with Dredge program (Maryland Port Administration, MES, Mahan Rykiel Associates, Cornell University), which aims to develop landscape strategies for the innovative reuse and beneficial use of dredged material from the Baltimore Harbor and Chesapeake Bay shipping channels to enhance public health, habitat restoration, coastal resiliency, and environmental justice. The support of funding is an important milestone in moving the project forward and achieving its current fundraising goals for community outreach, design development, and permitting.
The Turner Station Conservation Teams was organized to change the community of Turner Station Maryland from one that has suffered from neglect to a vibrant, caring and attractive area by effectively addressing the recommendations contained in the Turner Station Conservation Plan, including; Formulating and administering plans and programs to address the improvement, growth, and development of the Community; Educating the community residents about its history and culture to ensure a more informed public; Simulating lasting public interest in the improvement of the Community’; Educating residents of the public amenities located in the community in order to improve and increase the use of government, private agency, and community resources; and Mobilizing the organization and residents to assist with efforts to accomplish the recommendations set forth in Turner Station Community Conservation Plan to address related issues.